Transportation Infrastructure Investment

Measure I Revenues Decline Slightly

A comprehensive, well-maintained, and effective road and transit network is important for commuters to get to and from their jobs. It is also essential for efficient goods movement through the region and for visitors and tourists to access the natural and recreational opportunities available throughout the county. Consistent and adequate investment in the county’s transportation system reflects a commitment to supporting the economic vitality and quality of life of the region. This indicator measures planned investment in the county’s transportation system, including investments in state highways, local highways, and transit (bus and rail), as reported in the biennial Federal Transportation Improvement Program.1 It also tracks investment through the local sales tax for transportation known as Measure I.

Transportation Infrastructure Investment

How is San Bernardino County Doing?


While Measure I revenue has been variable in recent years, it is still projected to continue to increase. In a single year, between 2017/18 and 2018/19, revenue grew 13%, riding on a robust economy. However, in the subsequent fiscal year, which overlapped partly with the start of the pandemic (2019/20), revenue fell 3%. Revenues are expected to decline again, but only slightly (-1%) for the 2020/21 fiscal year and rise annually after that, reaching an estimated $207 million in 2025/26.

Over the past several transportation funding cycles, planned per capita investment in transportation projects in San Bernardino
County remained relatively steady, increasing an average of 1% annually since the 2015-2020 funding cycle.


Actual and Forecast Measure I Revenue (in Millions) for San Bernardino County Transportation Projects, 2011/12-2025/26

Source: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority


In the current (2021-2026) funding cycle, the planned transportation investment is equivalent to $1,805 per capita in San Bernardino County. This is similar to Los Angeles County ($1,893), but less than Riverside County ($2,718) and more than Orange County ($687). While investment since the 2015-2020 funding cycle has been relatively steady in San Bernardino County and Riverside County, investment has been falling in Orange County and increasing in Los Angeles County.


County Comparison of 2023-2028 Planned per Capita Transportation Investment and Percent Change in Planned per Capita Investment Since 2021-26 Funding Cycle

Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

Through the mid 1990’s, state and federal funding accounted for nearly 75% of total transportation funding in San Bernardino County. Currently, state and federal funding account for just 26% of transportation funding with local funds making up the remaining 74%. Among peers, only Riverside County has a higher percentage of local transportation funding (77%).


County Comparison of the Proportion of Transportation Funding that is from Local, State and Federal Sources, 2023-2028 Funding Cycle

Note: Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

SBCTA Sucessfully Secures Grants for Key Transit and Highway Projects

In 2017, the state passed Senate Bill 1 – Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1) that provides for several statewide competitive programs to address transit and highway congestion needs. In 2020, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority was extremely successful in these competitive grants and received a total of $223 million for critical transit and highway projects. These include a $15 million award of Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funds for Zero-Emission Buses on the future West Valley Connector Bus Rapid Transit Project in the West Valley; two Trade Corridor Enhancement Program grants ($118.7 million for Express Lanes, Auxiliary Lanes and Toll Systems on the I-15 from SR-60 to Foothill Boulevard and $24.1 million for the I-10 Eastbound Truck Climbing Lane in Yucaipa); and $65 million of Solutions for Congested Corridors Program funds for the West Valley Connector Bus Rapid Transit Project. These awards represent 10.8% of SB1 Competitive Program dollars available statewide for 2020.

Source: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority

1The Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) is a list of transportation projects to be implemented over a six-year period, including local, state and federally-funded projects. The FTIP is updated every odd-numbered year.