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A Success Story

For many years, the San Bernardino Valley has been challenged by prolonged drought, increased wildfires, and climate uncertainty. In response, the region launched Watershed Connect in 2021, a collaborative solution to diversify the local water supply portfolio, recharge the groundwater basins, restore critical habitat, and secure a sustainable water future. This multiphase program will collectively maximize the use and reuse of local water resources, while attaining a healthy, functional river ecosystem that supports 22 federally- and state-protected species. For its part, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, in partnership with the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, annually directs stormwater, effluent flows, imported water, and recycled water into groundwater recharge basins with the goal of replenishing the aquifer. In fiscal year 2021/22, a total of 26,109 acre-feet of water were recharged by these partners alone, of which 44% was stormwater and urban runoff.