A Success Story
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Fontana Unified School District opened Learning Centers at three campuses throughout the district to serve students that are homeless. The Learning Centers are managed by City of Fontana staff who otherwise would have been working with students through the After-School Enrichment Program. These staff volunteered to change their assignments to serve the students, and the district collaborated with the city to develop safety protocols for both staff members and students. Students in the program receive access to the internet, a working device, three meals a day, a safe space to learn, and a caring adult that they can connect with daily. On Wednesdays, all students in the Fontana Unified School District participate in a wellness check-in, and students in the Learning Centers have the chance to connect with staff from the district’s Multi-Tiered System of Support Department to ensure that their physical and emotional needs are met. The district has served over 50 students, with plans to open a fourth Learning Center for increased capacity.